31 Aug HOT August Nordic/Baltic Tech News, Events and Opportunities

Hi everyone, welcome to our end-of August newsletter packed with great stuff for you.
We hope you’ve had a good summer and are recharged, ready for whatever the rest of 2020 might throw at us! We appreciate having you in our community, so thanks again for being part of our efforts to continue to help the Nordic and Baltic tech/startup ecosystem to survive and thrive during these crazy times. Now, let’s get on to all the great news and opportunities. Firstly…

We’re proud and honoured to welcome our new Board Member – Elvira Tulvik, who will represent Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on our Board, as we ramp up our activities and impact across the Baltics.

Elvira is an experienced Lawyer and Partner at Magnusson. She advises on IT, IP, Data Protection, Information and Cyber Security, Fintech, Biotech and the legal side of financing, including regulated funding.

Elvira is also Chair of the Taxation Committee at the American Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, interested in Space, and an active guest-speaker and lecturer. It’s great to have her onboard – welcome to the team, Elvira! 👏🏻

📌 New pins on the map…
We’re  also excited to update you on the official registration of TNA in more of the countries we work in. As you know, our HQ is in Copenhagen, but in 2020 our aim is to lay down some official roots in the other Nordic countries too, to not only cement and grow our presence permanently, but to also show our ongoing commitment to future growth and development across the Nordics and Baltics. We’re close to being officially registered in Finland and Sweden with Norway, Iceland and the Baltic countries to follow. Huge thanks to our business member and legal partner Magnusson Law for all their brilliant help with this. Stay tuned for more news as we set up formally across the Region.


💰 Fundraising? Did you know that we offer a Startup/Investor Scouting Programme, connecting fundraising startups/scaleups with suitable investors from our network for a % finders fee? Right now, we’re working on rounds for PropTechTravelTech and FoodTech companies. If you’re a startup/scaleup raising funds, get in touch here OR if you are an investor looking for deal flow, please contact us.

💡 Need Expert Mentoring? Did you know that we offer a global mentoring programme matching our members with mentors across the globe from our Global Tech Advocates network, spanning 16 tech hubs globally? Join today (Solo membership or Business Membership) and get access to top quality mentors across all continents, who can help accelerate your growth.


Magnusson Copenhagen are eyeing an increase in agro and foodtech transactions, having recently advised new-age food company Nordic Harvest, on its EUR 8.5m fund raise to construct Europe’s biggest vertical farm. Nordic Harvest will, from 2021, grow herbs and salad under LED lights, in an eco-friendly and CO2 reducing manner, in a factory hall in the Copenhagen suburbs. The technology for the project is to be delivered by the Taiwanese company, YesHealth. Read more details about funding round and the future plans here.


“Despite all the challenges, the 4ire Labs team keeps working and growing. In these unstable times, it’s really important for us to focus on business growth and learn about possible ways of work optimisation.

At the same time, we work on the establishment of strong relations within the Nordic region. Recently our sister company Datrics, received funding from Swedish investors to stimulate new business opportunities. They have already built a strong partnership with Sigma Software and are working on growth.”


Fintech Disruption Summit – 3 September – 9-15.30  CET- this week!!
We’re excited to partner with Fintech Disruption Summit again this year. As with everything else in these COVID times, the Summit is online this year. Interested in decentralized finance, focusing on real estate and tokenized VC funds? If so, this is your spiel. The conference is open to anyone, and can be accessed from computers, tablets and phones.

Register here to join. And hurry up. It’s on Thursday!


London Tech Week – 7 September 16.00 CET
Want to connect with the London Tech Scene? If so, don’t miss this London Tech Week event run by our London sibling Tech London Advocates to learn about Connecting London Tech to the rest of the world via Global Tech Advocates – our global tech network. Join the leaders of our 16 global tech hubs, including our very own Tech Nordic Advocates founder and CEO Jeanette Carlsson Monday 7 September, 16:00 CET.  Register here to join


STOP PRESS  –  Info Webinar: New Expanded offer of FREE HELP for Danish Digital Tech /Startups  – 14 September 10 CET.
Are you a Danish digital/tech startup or scaleup? Have you run into business, technical, legal, team or other challenges as a result of the global pandemic? Then join this info webinar to learn how you can greet free HELP – advice, access to investors, mentors, business partners and resources in Denmark and across the globe – all FREE, and soon to be augmented with ‘live help clinics’ at the leading startup hubs in Denmark. Join the 14 September info webinar for details here:


Building inclusive Transatlantic FINTECH  Partnerships – 14 September 15.30-17.30 + networking drinks reception – Embassy of Canada to Denmark, Copenhagen (Copenhagen Fintech Week)

Are you a fintech entrepreneur? Ready for North America expansion? Would you like to learn more about Toronto and other Canadian fintech hubs and be matched with investors, mentors and/or partners who can help you on the ground? Perhaps a female-founder led fintech and would like advice from other female founders, investors and/or mentors? Join this action packed INVITATION ONLY Copenhagen Fintech Week matchmaking event introduced by two panels of top notch fintech investors, corporate leaders and mentors from Denmark and Canada, who will give you a run-down on key opportunities and share their expertise and experience, followed by transatlantic matchmaking. Sounds good?  Hurry Up and drop us a line here for more information


September 17th-18th – TechBBQ’s 2020 Digital Startup Program has a variety of activities to help companies connect, pitch, showcase, and hire tech talents. Grab your tickets here

Look out for the two sessions run by Tech Nordic Advocates:

17 September 2020, 13.30 CET: Russ Shaw, Founder, Tech London Advocates and Global Tech Advocates and Board member, Tech Nordic Advocates interviews Stephen Nundy of Lakestar (VC) in a Fireside chat on  “5 emerging technologies to watch out for right now, generally and post Covid-scenario, what’s on the horizon from an investor perspective and Stephen’s perspective on the Nordics.

18 September 2020, 15.40-16.10:  A real-life case study of a startup helped through the Startup Ecosystem COVID-19 Resource Hub – problems faced and how our Danish and international experts helped them through a COVID-induced crisis? Don’t miss this session. It will tell you how you can get the same kind of help – all FREE of charge.

Keep track of all our events here


We welcome Kristoffer Ewald – Business Angel and early-stage investor. Kris is a Danish tech entrepreneur with deep international experience living in Switzerland. He is interested in networking and being involved in working groups covering: FinTech, Startups, Scaleups, Investors, Innovation, Blockchain, the CIO/CISO Community and AI.

Let’s welcome Kris, and reach out to him to introduce yourself.



In our last newsletter, we shared that with support from the Danish Growth Fund, we had launched a website, providing Covid19 Business Support, the Startup Ecosystem COVID-19 Resource Hub   a digital platform, offering free help, advice, access to investors, mentors, partners and resources for the digital/tech startup ecosystem in Denmark.

We are pleased to share that since then Copenhagen City Council  have also joined the hub as partners, making it possible for us to offer more help to more digital/tech startups in the Copenhagen area.

AND most recently, we’re delighted to welcome also the Danish Industry Foundation as new partner, making it possible to substantially ramp up the FREE help .

Check out what’s on offer via the link.  AND the above Info Webinar scheduled for 14 September 10-11 here and the Tech BBQ Session on 18 September 15.40-16.10 via the Tech BBQ website.


Our latest collaboration sees us working with Hewlett Packard on a new eight-webinar series, School of Thought – Managing Change in the Age of Hyper Acceleration, during which business and IT leaders like you will share experiences and best practices towards changing environments and industries. Click the link above, to join.

– Whilst worldwide, did you know that we now have 16 tech hubs ‘live’ in GTA  – and soon more! In Q3, the Netherlands will launch, and in Q4 Emerging Europe goes live. 2021 will see three more hubs go live, including Australia, India and Korea.
There is no doubt that we are YOUR platform for international expansion and the world’s only global tech community, of which TNA is the Nordic/Baltic arm.
Read on, for how you can join our gateway to the world!