19 Jun London Tech week – The Best of Nordic/Baltic (fin) Tech Summit
In London Tech Week 2019, Europe’s leading tech festival, CENTI sponsored event “The Best of Nordic/Baltic (fin) Tech Summit” started on 11thJune in London.
The Summit brings Nordic and Baltic (fin) tech space ecosystem leaders to London to showcase the best Nordic & Baltic (fin) tech innovations to global investors, customers and partners, for the purposes of international expansion and seeking investment pitch to UK and global investors, corporates and growth partners, and offering them a unique chance to meet and discuss investment and partnership opportunities with the best Nordic/Baltic (fin) tech space innovators. The Summit features considerably great scope including Nordic/Baltic fintech, blockchain, cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, AI, analytics, insurtech and regtech.
The Summit started with a welcome, given by Jeanette Carlsson, Founder of Tech Nordic Advocates and Magdalena Krön, Head of Rise London and VP Innovation, Barclays.

Then a Fireside chat about recent movements and opportunities in the Nordic/Baltic (fin) Tech space was conducted, participated by Moderated by Aouife Houlihan, VP Comms, Klarna, Susanne Hannestad, CEO, Fintech Mundi, Mats Holmfeldt, Chairman, Findec (Stockholm Fintech hub); Jeppe Stokholm, Partner, Amazix & Head of Blockchain, Black Swan, VC; Farid Singh, MD CyberNorth, Startup Wise Guys.
What followed by was a panel contributed by Russ Shaw, (Founder of Tech London Advocates and Global Tech Advocates); John Zai (Founder and CEO, CENTI Group);Chloe Mackie (Barclays Ventures);Nick Taylor (Co-founder, Envestors) ;Craig Fox (EMEA Fintech lead, Silicon Valley Bank);Hazel Moore OBE (Chairman, FirstCapital)

John Zai, the founder and CEO of CENTI largely engaged in the Summit. CENTI Group as a cross-border platform connecting European technology startups and SMEs with the Chinese market, works with investors, governments and tech enthusiasts around the world to help companies with their fundraising, market expansion, property management. The London Tech Week helps CENTI Group develop the transfer of technology, ideas and talent between Asian and European Lands. CENTI Group believes that soon the cross-broader communication will lead to mutual benefits cooperation.
Russ Shaw, the founder of Tech London Advocates and Global Tech Advocates, stated that, “we want to bring all the people together, to help everyone can access to the China market, to make the information more transparent to the EU market.” He originally founded Tech London Advocates in 2013 to ensure an independent voice of technology sector was heard, but with a focus on the private sector.
After the panel, Nordic/Global tech ecosystem Collaboration keynoted by Jacqueline de Rojas, CBE, President, techUK, which the theme was: “Why collaboration in tech matters.”
She stated that, “When you are building your own businesses, please build them with diversity and inclusion in mind, it is really important that we recognize that diversity makes a difference.” She explained, just one woman on the board of the business, can reduce the risk of bankruptcy by 20% in fact, and, just in case you haven’t noticed, women hold up half the sky.”

Then it followed by startup pitches chaired by Andrew Graham, Distinguished Engineer and Executive IT Architect, IBM Global Markets.
There was a case study about How Trustly built and scaled a Nordic fintech success story was given by Ciaran O’Malley, Head of Commercial Strategy, Trustly.

In the section of “How can Tech Nordic Advocates and Global Tech Advocates help you grow and scale?” was participated by Jeanette Carlsson and John Zai, Founder, Tech Shanghai Advocates/CENTI Group.
During the discussion, John emphasized that “The purpose of TSA and Tech Shenzhen Advocates: to bring all the people together, to help everyone can access to the China market, to make the information more transparent to the EU market.”
John and Jeanette mentioned about the event in Wuxi – as an example, to show the way how CENTI help the startups to get into the China market.

Finally, in order to encourage participants to sign up for the autumn China trade mission, CENTI set up a special booth for entrepreneurs in tech sectorsto communicate and answer all the questions with expanding business into China.