27 Feb HOT February Nordic/Baltic Tech News, Events and Opportunities

Hello all and Welcome to our latest newsletter…

How are you all doing at these challenged times?  And how are your New Year’s resolutions going?  Sticking to them and ticking off your 2021 “To-Do’s” ✓ despite COVID?  We are! Refusing to be stopped..

🗓  We said we’d take decisive action in 2021. Two months into 2021, we have launched our “Women in Tech” International Mentoring programme, starting in Denmark, signed new partnerships, welcomed new members, supported startup fundraising and ran successful TNA Academy and other coaching sessions on our event’s platform…and plenty more…

The point is, we are busy creating positive change across the “New Nordic” tech ecosystem, and are excited to help and involve you – our community – to make more positive changes with us.

So, let’s dive in and show you our IMPACT so far and WHAT’s COMING NEXT for YOU


  Well under way with Cohort 1, we are proud to now also have selected and announced the 20 female founders and business leaders for Cohort 2 of our international mentoring programmewhich kicks off on April 6th, as part of Module 1 – An International Mentoring Programme – of our 3 Module strategic programme to support female founders/leaders, with support from Industriens FondMagnusson and KPMG Denmark

We wish them all luck. Stay tuned for lots of photos, interviews, founder spotlight features and more, as the programme gathers speed.

If you would like to learn more or apply to join Cohort 3 (Applications close April 14th), or become a mentor – Everything you need is here 👈🏽


 Exciting news – In Sweden, we are partnering with the team at Keiretsu Forum Nordics, working together to provide great investment opportunities for our startup and investor members. This new partnership will speed up investments and open up lots of new deals for everyone, in Sweden and across the Nordics.


💰 Fundraising? Did you know we offer a Startup/Investor Scouting Programme, connecting fundraising startups/scaleups with suitable investors from our network? Special deal for TNA Members. If you’re a startup/scaleup raising funds, get in touch here OR if you’re an investor looking for deal flow, please get in touch.


 Danish startup Hubbster have been chosen as one of 20 emerging sports tech companies globally worth investing in, by the leading sports business magazine SportsPro. Perfect timing, and what an honour! Learn more here




    Estonian early stage investor Karma.vc proudly announce its 3rd exit in 6 months (WOW!) with SAP’s acquisition of Finnish portfolio company AppGyver OY – a pioneer in no-code development platforms that enable users with no coding skills to build applications for Web and mobile uses. Huge congrats to both, showing precisely what we across the Nordic/Baltic tech/startup ecosystem are capable of.


 Our Chair, Stine Bosse and CEO, Jeanette Carlsson, and some of the amazing Cohort 1 mentees were featured in an article all about our Women in Tech International Mentoring Programme in the top Danish broadsheet Politiken. The full article is available to read (behind a paywall) here

Adding to that, we’d like to congratulate our Chair Stine Bosse, who has been appointed Chair of Allianz’s new supervisory board for ESG+Data – huge congrats to Stine.  Plenty of senior female role models where we come from!




A warm welcome to our Community to our latest member Motryx, led by Founder and CEO Franziska Broell PhD, based in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada,  with clients in Denmark and Sweden, Franziska is keen to grow her HealthTech business across the region. If you are interested to network with Franziska, please connect with her on LinkedIn.



YOU not a member yet?

Did you know that we are currently offering new members an extra 3 months of free membership, to support YOU during these tricky times.

If you are not a member – here’s what you’re missing :

Access to Northern Europe’s largest and only pan-Nordic/Baltic tech/startup ecosystem network spanning the 5 Nordic & 3 Baltic countries

  • FREE attendance at our Events/webinars (non-members pay a standard event pass fee)
  • Discounted ticket prices for Partner events exclusively for TNA’rs
  • Access to our startup/investor scouting programme
  • Access to our global mentoring programme – senior experts who have been there, done it and got the t-shirt!
  • Access to Tech Nordic Advocates partners who can help you grow and scale your business
  • Access to Global Tech Advocates: the world’s only GLOBAL tech/startup network
  • Personal Branding: Unique opportunity to promote yourself to Nordic/Baltic tech leaders
  • New tech sector career opportunities: Looking for your next job? Where else to look than in our network?
  • Looking for tech talent? Unique access to top digital/tech talent in the Nordic/Baltic/international tech sector

Join the community today: Solo membership or Business Membership


    Our CEO Jeanette Carlsson, and Susanne Hannestad, our Board Member for Norway, will be guest speakers at the Women InNovation 1-day virtual conference of inspiring women and men – policy makers, investors, entrepreneurs and organizations – around the world.  On March 5th – ahead of International Woman’s Day. Sign up to join here


    Our Finnish partner Arctic15 are bringing their “Matchmaking” style of Startup event to Stockholm on March 17th & 18th. We’re partnering and supporting. Listen to talks from ecosystem stars, investors and founders, and have meetings with people who are ready to help grow your business. As partners, we offer YOU 30% off standard ticket prices using discount code TNA30 – learn more and get your tickets here



     We are so pleased, once again, to be partnering with Embassy of Canada – this time in Sweden – our Building inclusive Transatlantic  Partnerships Event – March 17th, 2021 – 14.30-17.30  (online event).

Perhaps you are a female-founder led startup and would like advice from other female founders, and/or access to investors and/or mentors? Or a Swedish investor looking for deal flow. Join this action packed INVITATION ONLY matchmaking event, transatlantic discussion forum, led by inspirational speakers and panels of top notch investors, corporate leaders, startups and mentors from Sweden and Canada, who will give you a run-down on key opportunities and share their expertise and experience.
Drop us a line here to ask for an invite.


Magnusson Need Legal Help? Wherever you are in the Nordics or Baltics, doesn’t matter. Our legal partner, business member, full-service, tech focused, super friendly Magnusson Law  are right there

Contact Magnusson Law for more info or directly locally:

Denmark: Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Partner or Sam Jalaei, Partner
Sweden: (Gothenburg or Stockholm): Helena Rönqvist, Partner
Finland: (Helsinki and Tampere): Ville Salonen, Partner
Estonia/Baltics: Elvira Tulvik, Partner

Read more about their support here

Interested to understand more about Crypto and Blockchains?

TNA member 4ire Labs have published a comparison report on Polkadot, Near, Tezos and ETH 2.0  from a tech and business perspective, prepared by Blockchain Experts & Solution Architects.  More on https://4irelabs.com/ebook-entrepreneurs-and-tech-guide-for-blockchain-startups/. Learn more about how they can help you, and get in touch here.


 The SHE Conference – The Global Gender and Diversity Conference. Two weeks. Daily broadcasting. One digital platform. From 5th – 19th of March. More info here






A Conversation on Space Tech – March 3rd 19.00 – 20.15 CET –  Kicks-off with a fireside chat with Russ Shaw, founder of Global Tech Advocates that will provide perspectives on the global network and its relationship with Tech Italy Advocates, and will discuss the SpaceTech opportunity.

Subsequently they will dig deeper into this exciting industry, with Raffaele Mauro, founder of PrimoSpace, a new Italian Venture Capital fund focused on investments in SpaceTech. Sign up to join this event here

💡 Could a Mentor help you? Did you know that we offer a global mentoring programme matching our members with mentors across the globe from our Global Tech Advocates network, spanning over 20 tech hubs globally? Join today (Solo membership or Business Membership) and get access to top quality mentors across all continents, who can help accelerate your growth.

Stay Tuned and Stay Safe!